Hiring and Retaining Cybersecurity Talent Has Never Been So Critical
Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand and with cybersecurity incidents also at all time highs this trend isn’t likely to slow down anytime soon.
December 17, 2020 (Dallas, TX, AND Atlanta, GA) — As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the field of cybersecurity is hungry for talented up-and-comers. Demand is up, and the sector is desperate for expertise in helping businesses stay cyber-resilient in the face of continually evolving risks. So much so that The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) suggests that Information Security Analyst positions are among the fastest-growing career areas in the nation.
In less than ten years, the BLS foresees careers in the cybersecurity industry expanded by 31 percent. In comparison, the national average of job growth within the same period is estimated at a humble four percent, making cybersecurity career growth over seven times faster than other non-cyber sectors.
In 2018, the New York Times widely disseminated Cybersecurity Ventures’ unsettling prediction: 2021 would be marked by an astounding 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions globally. This number is almost three times higher as it was back in 2014, where there were one million unfilled positions in the cybersecurity sector.
To add to this challenge, the MIT Technology Review stated that, of all the candidates applying for these unfilled positions, only one out of four were sufficiently qualified.
Knowledge@Wharton, the online research and business analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, succinctly stated, “nowhere is the workforce-skills gap more pronounced than in cybersecurity.”
The Cyber Crisis of 2020
Rounding up, we know the demand is great, the supply is scarce, and the candidates just aren’t up to snuff – and then 2020 threw another wrench in the works. Keep in mind that the prediction of 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs came from data circa 2019 and earlier. Despite their best efforts, analysts could not predict the catastrophic fallout a global health crisis would have on the field.
The FBI reported a 400 percent increase in cybercrime complaints since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Even Interpol is feeling the strain as they attempt to combat cyberattacks targeting government systems, major corporations, and critical social infrastructure.
Indeed, it would seem that no one is safe from cybercrime. Ransomware attacks recently targeted Mega-corporations like Honda, Nikon, Universal Health Services, and even Texas’ own Tyler Technologies. These kinds of malicious attacks not only threaten a company’s financial wellbeing, but they also put their security, their reputation, and the privacy of their clientele at risk. While big businesses have more to lose, they’re also harder to crack, making small and medium-sized companies more vulnerable to threats. The anticipated damages inflicted by cybercrime are immense. The cost of global cybercrime is estimated to reach $6 trillion by 2021 and as much as $10.5 trillion by 2025. These financial outcomes are reason enough to make cybersecurity a priority for every business.
A Flood Amid The Talent Drought
Forbes goes so far as to refer to the issue as a “talent drought”. While cybercrime is exploding, cybersecurity experts are struggling—and often failing—to keep the problem in check. Not only is cybercrime on the rise, but the pandemic has also forced many businesses to reshuffle their financial priorities. And with the en masse transition to remote work came unanticipated security issues, requiring advanced, fast-thinking, and far-reaching solutions to counter them.
As we move into 2021, organizations everywhere are forced to make difficult budgeting decisions, but trimming back your cybersecurity team should not be on the table. A good cybersecurity team is critical, not only for protecting your business and your clientele’s private information but also for quantifying risks, justifying security expenditures, assessing the criticality of assets, and creating meaningful security metrics. Good metrics are fundamental to a portion of your business’ corporate budget.
What You Can Bring to the Table
So what does the cybersecurity sector need from you? And what do you stand to gain in the industry?
According to Forbes, cybersecurity’s most sought-after skills reflect the kind of security networks organizations hopes to build in the future. Application Development Security and Cloud Security take the lead in desirable skills, with anticipated growth of 164 percent and 115 percent each over the next five years.
The underlying message? Organizations want to move away from reactive security to proactive security. This means targeting weaknesses in the armor before the enemy has a chance to strike. As of 2021, having a chief information security officer (CISO) will be practically mandatory for global companies.
It’s expected that cybersecurity professionals with well-honed cloud security skills can gain a $15,025 salary premium by making the most of the market’s demand for their abilities.
Ultimately, if you’re looking for job security, it’s clear there’s nothing better than cybersecurity. And best of all, there’s plenty of room to grow and move up the ranks. With the right combination of skills and savvy, you’re sure to succeed.
What Makes Zyston Different?
There’s no denying that the cybersecurity job market is exploding, making attracting and hiring talent extremely competitive. But while there are plenty of good jobs, not all positions will be the right fit for you.
“The key is not only filling new positions,” says Dan Duffy, Zyston’s EVP of Human Capital Services, “It’s about retaining talent.”
So what makes Zyston unique? Zyston provides an end-to-end security solution that addresses all three tenants of a cybersecurity program, including People, Process, and Technology. Zyston’s Human Capital Services focuses exclusively on the Cybersecurity industry, giving you unprecedented access to the industry’s top talent. All candidates are interviewed, vetted, and qualified by the Zyston cybersecurity program and our team of experts before they are presented to you, ensuring an expedient and efficient process.
Better Hires, Reliable Results
Many organizations seeking qualified cybersecurity candidates find their job posts aren’t attracting the right (if any) candidates. Posts often remain up on job boards for months, which ultimately has negative connotations for the company. Zyston boasts an average placement success rate of 75 percent, usually within two weeks of receiving the position. Our average retention is two-and-a-half years, underscoring the value we offer.
Our human capital expert’s primary focus is on the cybersecurity market. Because cybersecurity is our sole focus, we understand how to vet a candidate that will mesh with your culture and create a positive impact on your organization. We know it’s not just about the hard skills – it’s also about suitability, personality, and how they fit into your vision of the company’s future.
Our long-term strategy is to place qualified candidates in positions that allow them to gain experience, acquire knowledge, achieve specialized education/certifications, and contribute to the business’ success, both now and in the years to come.
Schedule a free consultation from a Zyston cybersecurity practitioner today.
About Zyston:
Zyston is a managed security service (MSSP & MDR) provider dedicated to providing businesses with a comprehensive range of MSSP & MDR end-to-end services required to build and operate a mature and cost-effective information security program. We combine consulting, staffing, and managed security services to provide the best cyber program management on the market today. Zyston has offices in Dallas, TX, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, San Francisco, CA and Denver, CO. For more information, visit www.zyston.com.

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